First Blurb for Geekomancy

Today, I got the first blurb for Geekomancy! And it’s a doozy, if I do say so myself.

“If Buffy hooked up with Doctor Who while on board the Serenity, this book would be their lovechild. In other words, GEEKOMANCY is full of epic win.”
– Marie Lu, author of the Legend trilogy
This is me doing my happy author dance. Those who have seen the ‘There Will Be Flail’ video will have a good idea of what said dance looks like.
We’ll be able to use this quote on the cover, at the various websites, etc. Cover blurbs are a great way to give a snapshot of what is worth getting excited about in a novel, and they help draw in the audiences for established/popular authors to build buzz. We’ve got a few other leads out for blurbs, and I hope the novel connects with some of the other folks reading as well.

Nightshifted — Cassie Alexander

My friend Cassie Alexander’s debut novel, a kick-ass urban fantasy titled Nightshifted, is out in stores now!


The awesome cover:

Nightshifted Cover

And the scoop on the novel:


Welcome to the secret wing of County Hospital—where vampires get transfusions, werewolves have silver allergies, and one nurse is in way over her head…

Nursing school prepared Edie Spence for a lot of things. Burn victims? No problem. Severed limbs? Piece of cake. Vampires? No way in hell. But as the newest nurse on Y4, the secret ward hidden in the bowels of County Hospital, Edie has her hands full with every paranormal patient you can imagine—from vamps and were-things to zombies and beyond…






Edie’s just trying to learn the ropes so she can get through her latest shift unscathed.  But when a vampire servant turns to dust under her watch, all hell breaks loose. Now she’s haunted by the man’s dying words—Save Anna—and before she knows it, she’s on a mission to rescue some poor girl from the undead. Which involves crashing a vampire den, falling for a zombie, and fighting for her soul.



Grey’s Anatomy was never like this…

Cassie’s website is here:

I cannot express how happy I am for Cassie, and how impressed I was when I started reading Nightshifted. Cassie is also a RN in California, so all of the medical talk comes from expertise…except the stuff about treating dragons. It is fiction, after all.



Author, Keep Your STET Hand Strong

Copy edits have arrived, which means that in addition to trying to get words down on the new novel, I’m going through the copy-edited manuscript of Geekomancy and approving the changes I like, STETing the ones I don’t, and making tweaks as needed, so that the novel is as most-amazingly-awesome-tastic as possible when it goes to the production team to be turned into an eBook.

For those not in the publishing biz, STET is used when a writer or editor wants to indicate “leave it the way it was”. Adam noted ‘STET phase’ or ‘STET neologism’ several times throughout to tell the copyeditor to not change my whacky language.

I’ve used the STET-hammer a number of times myself, but the most fun in copy edits so far has been pulling out my DVD of The Empire Strikes Back to fact-check the number of antenae on an Imperial Probe Droid from the beginning on Hoth (2).

Crits for Water Auction

I wanted to bring more attention to the Crits for Water part of the Charity: Water effort, which helps provide safe, drinkable water to impovrished communities around the world.

I raffled off a query critique last week, and this week, I’m offering a critique of the first 10K and a query letter for a SF/F manuscript. This one is being auctioned, so I’m hoping we can bring a bit more money in for the charity.

If you’ve got a writer friend looking to take their manuscript up to the next level, please consider pointing them at this auction or another one from Crits for Water.


SFWA Secret Decoder Ring

Since my official contract is in and signed, I was able to finish up my paperwork and am an official active member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America! SFWA is the host/executor of the Nebula Award, and as a professional guild, it offers a great number of resources for writers. Recent efforts by SFWA leaders like John Scalzi and Mary Robinette Kowal have, in my opinion, done a great job of showing how important the organization is and what it can do for SF/F writers.

Joining SFWA has also been a professional ambition of mine for quite some time now, so it’s a great step along my Writer’s Journey.

Pocket Star Relaunch

Today, Simon & Schuster has put out an official announcement for the relaunch of Pocket Star, the imprint which is publishing Geekomancy.

The official announcement:




NEW YORK, May 7, 2012 – Louise Burke, Executive Vice President and Publisher, announced today that Pocket Books, America’s first paperback publisher, has re-launched its Pocket Star line as an eBook-only imprint.  As it did in print, Pocket Star will continue to feature bestselling and debut authors in popular genres including women’s fiction, romance, thrillers, urban fantasy, and mystery.

Louise Burke said, “Similar to how mass market has served as a platform to develop future hardcover authors, it is our mission to use Pocket Star’s new digital-only format to establish new voices in the marketplace.  An eBook imprint is flexible, cost-effective, cutting-edge and makes sense in today’s marketplace.  Under the Pocket Star banner we will publish original works including full-length novels and novellas from some of our most popular authors.”

Pocket Star will follow the model of the successful eBook publication of WARLORD WANTS FOREVER, a novella by #1 New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole that has now sold almost 60,000 copies.  The imprint is launching with titles from its Spring and Summer lists, featuring authors  V.C. Andrews, Nathan Dodge, Cindy Gerard, Laura Griffin, Sabrina Jeffries, Carrie Lofty, and Michael R. Underwood, among others.  All Pocket Star eBooks will have the full support of Pocket Books’ creative and innovative publishing resources.  Reflecting a fluid marketplace, titles initially published under Pocket Star may transition from eBook to print format.

Lauren McKenna, Executive Editor, has been named Editorial Director of Pocket Star and will oversee all content.  “Lauren has been instrumental in helping shape our vision for Pocket Star.” added Ms. Burke, “She will be vital to the further development of this new imprint.”

To access the Pocket Star eBook Sampler, please click here or paste this URL into your browser:

Pocket Books will remain home to mass market authors published in both print and electronic formats.



Read more here (and download a free sampler with content from each of the launch titles, including Geekomancy):


Geekomancy Excerpt

Since line edits are now done, I’ve updated the excerpt of Geekomancy over on Book Country. If you’d like a taste of Ree’s story, head over to read the first two chapters.

Kind folks that they are, they have also posted a story about the cover reveal.

If you write or read SF/F, Book Country is a great place to check out some undiscovered talent, talk about craft, business, and genre, get your work critiqued — and maybe even discovered!

Geekomancy Cover Ree-veal and More!

It is with utmost excitement that I bring you today’s blog post.

I’ve been given the go-ahead for two big stages of Geekomancy‘s journey to publication.

Awesome thing the first — Check out the cover to Geekomancy!

Cover art by Trish Cramblet, Design by Min Choi

There she is folks, Geekomancy‘s own Rhiannon Anna Maria Reyes aka Ree!  I’m blown away by the awesome of this cover, both in the depiction of Ree and the very cool design for the title.

Awesome thing the second: Geekomancy has pages on Amazon,, and Simon & Schuster!  The actual pubdate is July 10th, not the 3rd as is noted there.  The update is still making its way through channels.

I also show it available in iBooks/iTunes.