After a couple of years of conflicts and bad luck (I got sick last year right when I was going to travel), I’m attending ArmadilloCon in Austin, TX for the first time this weekend as a panelist!
As of the time I post this, there is *one* spot left in the Daggerheart one-shot I’m running at the con – playing “Marauders of Windfall”, an adventure I was the lead designer for.
Here’s my schedule (all times central):
Friday, Sep 6
8pm – Help, I’m Mid-Career and My Industry Has Changed – Ballroom E
Saturday, Sep 7
11am – Worldbuilding for Masochists Presents: Traveling Light – Southpark A
1pm – What is the Social Responsibility of SFF Authors? – Ballroom E
7pm – Daggerheart: RPG Session with Designer Michael R. Underwood – Rm 103
Sunday, Sep 8
10am – Autographing – Dealers Room
1pm – Reading – Michael R. Underwood – Conference Room
Tag Archives: travel
Off to NerdCon!
As this post goes, live, I am on my way to Minneapolis, MN for NerdCon: Stories, a two-day celebration of the power of storytelling (October 14-15th). I’m honored to be a Featured Guest for the con. I’ll be on a gaming panel, reprising my How To Hand-Sell Your Book presentation, and reading during a showcase event. You can check out my full programming schedule for the con here.
I’ll also be running a booth at the con all weekend with my friend Jay Swanson. If you’re coming to the con, please swing by (#817) and say hello! I will have a limited # of the paperback omnibus editions of Genrenauts: The Complete Season One Collection, as well as other books.
Here’s a quick guide to where you can find Jay and my booth during the con:
As a special bonus, the Ree Reyes novels (speaking of Nerds + stories) are still on discount through this weekend!
Amazon * B&N Nook * Kobo * iTunes
World Fantasy Kick-off Event
I’m headed up to Saratoga Springs next week for the World Fantasy Convention, and if you’ll be there on Wednesday, I’d love to invite you to come to Northshire Books, where Tor Books/ Publishing is hosting an event. I’ll be there (possibly even with copies of The Shootout Solution!), along with many other fabulous authors.
ConFusion 2015
This weekend, I’ll be joining some of my favorite authors and hundreds of cool fans at ConFusion, an excellent SF/F convention in Michigan.
Here’s my schedule:
Friday, January 16th
8:00 PM (Southfield) — Urban Fantasy Authors Interview
Jackie Morgan interviews Courtney Allison Moulton, Susan Dennard, Michael R. Underwood, and Diana Rowland
10:00 PM (Model T Boardroom) — Bradley P. Beaulieu and Michael R. Underwood Reading
Brad and I will read things. It will be awesome. Brad is a great reader, and I’d like to think I’m no slouch, either.
Saturday, January 17th
4:00 PM (Huron-Ontario-Erie) — Autographing session
Saladin Ahmed, Bradley P. Beaulieu, Robert J. Bennett, Tobias Buckell, Cinda Williams Chima, Wesley Chu, Monte Cook, Delilah S. Dawson, Seleste deLaney, Michael J. DeLuca, Susan Dennard, Shanna Germain, Merrie Haskell, Douglas Hulick, Christian Klaver, Mary Robinette Kowal, Courtney Allison Moulton, Laura Resnick, Jason Sanford, John Scalzi, Catherine Shaffer, Patrick S. Tomlinson, Michael R. Underwood, Doselle Young
Come meet your favorite authors, artists and musicians and have them sign things! (Please limit your signing requests to
3 items per person.)
5:00 PM (Dearborn) — Where the $@# Are All My Bookstores?
Michael R. Underwood (M), Christine Purcell, Douglas Hulick, Rowena Cherry
Ah, the good old days when you could just drive down the street to pick up your favorite book. Or is it easier now to just click a “Buy” button? How has the book selling industry changed in the last 20 years, and are bookstores going to quietly
9:00 PM (Southfield) — A Glimpse Behind the Curtain: The Business Side to Writing and Publishing
Michael R. Underwood (M), Tobias Buckell, Kameron Hurley, Whitney Ross
There are many resources available about developing the craft of writing, but many writers enter the business without knowing the nuts and bolts of how the industry works – query letters, agents, advances, contracts, and more. This roundtable with established authors and publishing professionals will cover these topics and more, tailored to audience
Sunday, January 18th
11:00 AM (Huron) — The Comics Code
Saladin Ahmed (M), Michael R. Underwood, Doselle Young, Peter V. Brett
Where have all the diverse, feminist comics gone? How about the 1930s and 40s, in the days before the Comics Code?
12:00 PM (Huron) — Time Travel TV
Michael R. Underwood (M), Whitney Ross, Michael Marcus, David M. Stein
From Doctor Who to Outlander, what’s going on with time travel on TV?
And outside of these panels, you’ll be able to find me in the common room or the bar, most likely. It is a convention, after all.
See you there!
LonCon schedule
Hi folks,
I hope to see many of you at LonCon 3 this week, where I’ll be supporting participating in panels, Angry Robot Authors, and having my first ever Literary Beer event at a very British hour of 11 AM. Expect publishing gossip, geekery, and/or marketing secrets.
On Wednesday at 6PM, I’ll be at Forbidden Planet for the Angry Robot/Titan event.
My LonCon schedule:
Tolkien Society Presents: The Unpayable Debt?
18:00 – 19:00, Capital Suite 13 (ExCeL)
Diversity in Comic Books: The Good, The Bad, and the Missing
12:00 – 13:30, Capital Suite 8 (ExCeL)
Cities: Where, Who, Why? (Moderating)
18:00 – 19:00, Capital Suite 10 (ExCeL)
Literary Beer
11:00 – 12:00, The Bar (ExCeL)
Autographing 1 – Michael R. Underwood
15:00 – 16:30, Autographing Space (ExCeL)
The Fantastic Now
13:30 – 15:00, Capital Suite 16 (ExCeL)
I’ll also be attending the Hugo Awards as a part of the Skiffy and Fanty Show, nominated for Best Fancast! I will treasure my rocket pin for all time.
All signs are pointing toward a huge, exciting convention, and I look forward to seeing many of you there!