I’m heading out tomorrow for my first in-person SFF book convention since ConFusion in 2020 – a cross-country trip to Anaheim, CA for the 2023 Nebula Awards Conference. I’m very excited to reconnect with colleagues, talk shop on panels, learn from colleagues, and to meet people new to the field and/or SFWA.
I’m participating in three panels, two on Sat and one on Sunday. All times PDT. Virtual-only memberships are available, and the Control Your Book Promotion panel will be streamed. More info at https://events.sfwa.org/
Saturday, May 13th
1:30 pm – Power and Politics in Worldbuilding
2:30 pm – I’ll be signing at autographing table A for almost a half-our before…
3:00 pm – Unionize Publishing
Sunday, May 14th
1:30 pm Control Your Book Promotion